
Introduction to telepathic communication with animals

Introduction to telepathic communication with animals
05 Jul

It is possible to communicate with all animals (wild and ‘domestic’) on a deep level, with benefits for our and their well-being, because true communication goes beyond words. The word telepathy comes from the Greek (tele ‘distant’ and pathos ‘feeling’), so it could be said to be communication of feelings. It is the oldest means of communication in existence, used…

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Stories of human and animal families

Stories of human and animal families
01 Mar

The relationship between humans and pets dates back centuries, indeed millennia. Anthropology, archaeology and history have analysed this relationship in many ways through material and written evidence, all converging towards a picture of close and harmonious coexistence, without the exploitative dynamics that have increasingly characterised our evolution. In archaeology, the practice of burying a pet in its own tomb or…

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The old woman’s tea house

The old woman’s tea house
21 Feb

An old woman in Yunnan, a lay chan follower -as Zen is called- in China, ran a teahouse along the main road. She was famous for imparting edifying lessons of wisdom to the monks who stopped at her inn. Many of them preferred to avoid her: only the most daring, or the true seekers of Truth had the courage to…

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