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    We are what we repeatedly do. Therefore excellence is not an action, but a habit.



    So if we want to change, it is from the everyday life of our actions that we must start. Because everything begins simply, one day like any other, when the soul is ready.

    Why do I do it?

    • Open up the heart
    • Spreading seeds of awareness
    • Every animal is a guide and a mirror: getting to know yourself through him
    • Relationships of equal interchange between people and animals
    • Walk towards the awareness every encounter and every relationship is sacred.
    • Nourish the state of presence, non-judgment, compassion, humility.

    Find out more

    thoughts and stories
    Euthanasia: what to expect from your vet?

    Some practical tips before euthanasia of your animal: here are some basis that can guide you.

    Communication in everyday life

    Introducing healthy daily habits facilitates psychophysical balance and consequently heart-to-heart communication.

    What will happen to my animal friend if I die first?

    Dear reader, from this article onwards I will call you by your first name. I intentionally want to step outside the form. I will call you by your name because when we speak from heart to heart, the formalism vanishes. I will call you by your first name because non-human animals themselves call each directly with all the essence of…